Public Survey: Click here to take the Lafayette Master Plan Survey.
The City of Lafayette, Indiana, in conjunction with the Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission (TCAPC) and the State Department of Health, has a goal to provide better alternative transportation options for the citizens of Lafayette and Tippecanoe County. This growing need for alternative transportation has risen for several reasons. Personal economics, a movement to become a healthier society, and safety are all driving this trend. The high costs of owning, operating, and maintaining automobiles have the public searching for less expensive means of commuting and reaching everyday destinations. People are beginning to realize the need to exercise for their own physical and mental health.
In December of 2012 the City of Lafayette completed a comprehensive trails master plan in an effort to respond to this need. The plan identified thirty-three corridors for development, including a major loop trail around the city, a major north-south corridor, and a major east-west corridor. In all, these corridors measured approximately 64 miles of potential multi-use trail for the citizens of Lafayette. Currently several of these corridors are under development. The plan, however, did not thoroughly address on road bicycle facilities, adequate pedestrian facilities, and programs and policies to support the improved infrastructure.
On July 31, 2014 the TCPAPC in conjunction with the State Department of Healthâs and Health by Design hosted a day long Active Living Workshop. As part of the workshop community partners and attendees identified key action step that need to be taken. One of the key action steps for Lafayette was to develop a bicycle and pedestrian master plan that would help to improve connections to the previously completed trail master plan and encourage healthy transportation choices.
It is due to these reasons that Lafayette has determined a need for a comprehensive plan to guide the planning and design of both bicycle and walking facilities throughout the city. The plan will also help to identify key programs and policies that the city can implement as support for the proposed infrastructure.